Project Jupyter: Internship
During my time as an UX/UI Intern, my team was tasked to create two extensions, To Do Lists and
Toast Notifications, for Project Jupyter's Notebooks software.
Toast Notifications, for Project Jupyter's Notebooks software.
Tools Used: Figma, Procreate, Pen + Paper
Duration: 6 months | 2021
Role: UX/UI Intern
Team Members: Andrii Ieroshenko and Harshit Mittal
Mentors: Cameron Oelsen and Afshin Darian
1. Toast Notifications 💬 🍞
Proposed Features + Deliverables
Provide Notification API for extension developers to push notifications for users on a collaborative JupyterLab session.
Features we were able to accomplish within our internship!
✅ System notifications
✅ Toast notifications
✅ Provide public token for extension developers to use
✅ Define API Schema and notification object encoding format
✅ REST server-client + WebSocket architecture
✅ Integrated notification center widget to gather notifications in one place
Understanding the Problem
Currently, there is no notification system in JupyterLab. Users need to go into each of their Jupyter notebooks and manually check to find relevant events or updates by collaborators.
Also, JupyterLab extensions can't communicate with their users across tabs or applications to provide relevant updates like cell execution in notebooks.
• Notifications are seen as an annoyance
• Need to find a way to make the interaction as seamless as possible
• Need to implement a notification center with the system
User Empathy Map + User Stories
User Task: reacting to a toast notification

Our Solutions

Lo-Fi Screens

2. To Do List Extension ✏️📋
Proposed Features + Deliverables
Provide ability for users to create simple, file based To Do lists that support real-time collaboration inside JupyterLab.
Features we were able to accomplish within our internship!
✅ Jupyter readable file format
✅ Nesting Tasks
✅ Spatial Persistence of items on completion
✅ Use todo txt file/markup format for storage
Features we couldn't get to...
⭕️ Due Dates
⭕️ Ability to use UI or directly edit source markdown
⭕️ Partial completion of items
⭕️ Assigning items to collaborators
Understanding the Problem
JupyterLab does not support native to do lists and users have to resort to using markdown files or other third party services as a way of keeping track of their tasks.
• Third party services = too complex with unnecessary features
• Can't collaborate with other contributors working on the same project
• Want native platform to integrate with JupyterLab's upcoming commenting system, notification center, and can't be stored as files alongside Jupyter Notebook files
User Empathy Map + User Stories
User Task: creating a to do list

Our Solutions


Lo-Fi Screens